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Do you love travel? Do you love Itchy Feet? Do you love having fun? Yes, yes, and yes? Then you might be interested in Itchy Feet: the Travel Game!
Whaaaat?! Yes, that's right, an Itchy Feet-themed playing card game, by travelers, for travelers. I've been working on it with a game designer for the last year and a half, and on August 1st we're launching the Kickstarter campaign.
To promote it, for the whole length of the campaign from August 1st to 30th, it'll be Itchy Feet Month, and I'll be releasing a comic every day! They'll be single-panel comics, but there will be 30 of them in a row. Yes, I am insane.
So stay tuned - and I'll see you again on Tuesday, with a link to the campaign where you can reserve your copy! Woo hoo!